Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Areas of Cooperation between Muslims & Believers in Eastern Religions

                               Mohammad Salim Engineer
Islam means complete Surrender and Obedience

  Islam means complete surrender to the will of the only creator and cherisher of the universe known and unknown to us. Islam commands its believers to propagate virtues and strive to eradicate evils, without doing this a person can’t be true Muslim.

Equality and Unity of Mankind
  Another Basic value which Islam orders to establish is the equality of human beings and complete rejection of any right to have superiority of any group of human beings over others except piousness and godliness. As God has revealed in his last revelation Quran:

  “O, Mankind! We created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so that you might come to know each other. The noblest among you in God’s sight is the one who is most God fearing and obedient. God is All Knowing, All aware.” (49:13)
  The whole mankind is the progeny of single couple, the Adam and the Eve, this is the strongest bond which unites the mankind.

Islam Commands solidarity and cooperation among people:
  In Quran God has ordered:

“Help each other in virtues, righteousness and piety but don’t help each other in evil and transgression.” (5:2)
  Cooperation and helping each other despite of difference of faith in spreading virtues and godliness is not only allowed but ordered.

Islam Protects Freedom of Choice and Action
  God has given complete freedom to take choice and action. Our creator has given this freedom the utmost importance and has protected this freedom. God has shown the paths with Light and Darkness, paths which leads to true Success and Failure and he has given sufficient faculty to think and ponder, but he has not imposed anything upon us. The reward and punishment would be according to our decisions. Therefore the true believers of Islam will respect the right to differ and choosing the way of their choice despite of disagreement.

Areas of Cooperation
  Since, the believers of Islam have been commanded to respect the right to differ, freedom of choice and action, and to cooperate and assist in all acts of virtues and righteousness. Therefore, Despite of differences in concept of God, the prophethood and the life after death the believers of Islam and the other eastern religions such as Hinduism and its various sects, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism can work together and cooperate each other on many common issues. More correctly, Muslims and believers of the above religions can work together on almost all issues except a few, related to faith and rituals. This is because they share common values such as Morality, the purity of soul, love for not only human beings but for all living things, concern for the downtrodden, the needy and the have-nots and zeal for sharing the grief and sorrow of all living things. Some of the areas in which the Muslims and the believers of other religions can work together are as following:

Establishing Morality
Islam and the other religions give stress upon establishing moral values in personal, collective and public life. All of us feel strongly that despite of material, scientific and technological development, we as a society, as a country or as a citizen of this world can’t be stronger and live in peace and harmony and cannot achieve peace in hearts without establishing moral values. The true progress and development is not possible without morality. We are all highly concerned about the continuous moral degradation in all walks of life and as a result, sinking in the sea of grief, mutual suspicion, animosity and even confrontation, generating a world with more oppression, exploitation and hegemony. Though we differ in ways and motivating factors to achieve and establish morality but this common concern can certainly make the world better than existing one. We can certainly work together for
    · Firstly trying to lead a life based on morality and become an example for others and Propagating and establishing Moral Values such as Honesty, Hard work, Mutual Love, Respect and Trust, inculcating tolerance and respect for difference of opinions and faiths in the society particularly the youth.

     · Creating awareness and lead the society towards the politics based on morality by encouraging people with good character to be elected as peoples representatives and discouraging people with bad character.

    · Creating Awareness among the people to create the educational and economical system based on morality.

    · To work for true scientific, technological Development and the true progress with humanitarian face without creating ecological and environmental imbalances.

   · Creating common Forums for this purpose might be beneficial.
Working Against Evils.

   We all are concerned about the social and national evils and it is our religious duty also to strive for eradication of these evils. We can work jointly against social and national evils such as :

    · Wine, Drug addiction, Dowry, Female Foeticide, untouchability, discrimination based on gender, Lavish living, Materialism, Nude and Vulgar Culture, Atrocities on women and other weaker sections, ill treatment of old age parents etc.

  · Corruption, Communalism, Fascism, Regionalism etc.

Help and Service to Needy Human Beings
According to Islam a Muslim is bound to extend help and assistance to all needy human beings irrespective of cast, creed and religion. According to the saying of the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) “The whole creation is the family of God.” also “Have mercy upon those on the earth, The Lord of Heavens will bestow mercy upon you.” According to the Hindu scriptures also, “All living beings on the earth are a single family.” There is strong motivation in almost all religions to help and serve mankind. Therefore we all should work together for:

 · Helping the Needy in the society.

· Working jointly at the time of natural or men made Calamities.

  Bridging Gaps of Misunderstandings and Ignorance about each other
  · Interacting with each other and understanding the faith, ideologies and cultures of each other to minimize the distances and suspicions and to strengthen the mutual trust and fraternity.

 · Activities such as Interfaith Dialogue and joint fora to interact with each other to facilitate better understanding of each other’s faith, traditions and culture.

Joint Studies and Research
  There is a strong need to initiate joint studies and research on religious texts and religious personalities, particularly in Indian sub continental environment in order to create better understanding of each other. Hence some research centres may be established where literature related to all religions is kept and research scholars may be encouraged to pursue their research, which would certainly highlight the common root of all the religions.


Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Siddiqui said...

Alhamdu Lillah, a good begining

Dr. Mohammad Iqbal Siddiqui said...

Reinvestigate Jaipur Blasts, Punish Erring Officers: Sadbhav Manch
The Ajmer Dargah blast case has taken a new twist after the recent arrest of some persons belonging to some extremist organisations. Now the Rajasthan ATS is giving heed to the information obtained from the Malegaon blast accused. Sadbhav Manch Rajasthan, a united forum of public organisations and Association For Protection Of Civil Rights (APCR) expressed their concern in a joint press conference held here, for the delay of about two and a half years on part of our investigating agencies, despite the fact that they already had clear indications from the Malegaon blast accused.

Mr. Sawai Singh, convener Sadbhav Manch Rajasthan, said “we advised the investigating agencies in the very beginning to keep all possibilities at hand and not to spare any one from the investigation.” He said that a central minister had given a very irresponsible statement when he visited Ajmer after the blast, he held some Muslim organisations responsible for the blast without any evidence. The statement set all investigations in one direction and a particular community was targeted in the name of investigation, he added. He said that during the BJP regime, the investigating officers only fulfilled the communal agenda of the government by pursuing a particular community.
Mr. Paikar Farooq, State convener of the APCR said that when our police could not find any evidence against the individuals arrested for the serial bomb blasts in Jaipur, they accused them of other charges. Even after two years, no charges could be framed in the court against them, he added. He insisted on reinvestigating the Jaipur blasts case in the illumination of latest revelations.
The organisations demanded reinvestigation of the Jaipur blasts case in the light of recent revelations. They also demanded stern action against the officers who mislead the whole investigation, also to keep all options open and all possibilities in mind.
Mr. Saleem, showing the news scrapes to the media men, blamed that the media held different measures for different communities. When some Muslims were arrested in suspect, they straightway held them responsible for the blasts and bluntly marked them as terrorists, due to which, some of them were fired from their services and some had to compromise with their future being students, while this time they are using the term ‘accused’ for the arrested persons, simply because they belong to a different community.